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Monday, September 23, 2013

Vocabulary #6

Accede- Agree to demand, request, or treaty
(To satisfy John's wife, he accedes to wear a tuxedo for dinner)
Brandish- Menacing wave of something
(My accomplice ran and at the same time brandishing his tech nine in the air)
Compromise-To come to an agreement from to sides
(The legislative branch has to compromise with the executive branch due to the methods of amendments)
Deft- skillful or quick
(My co-worker is so deft she should become manager of this industry)
Destitute-Not having basic necessities in life
(When she was left destitute by death of her husband, she decided to get up and leave the country)
Explicit-Clearly expressed
(Jane became explicit in detail about her personal life at home)
Extirpate-completely remove, destroy or pull out of root
(The kids from next door extirpated the flowers from the front of our yard)
Inopportune- Situation occurring at an inconvenient time
(Jane and John put grand mother in an inopportune spot when they tend to argue)
Ironic-Opposite of what is meant or expected to happen
(It would be ironic for me to think dogs can talk)
Musty-Moldy, stale smell
(Under the house, holds a musty odor from the wet rain that fell through yesterday)
Officious-Offering unwanted advice/service
(Shane gives an officious manner when lectured by his mother about his troubles)
Ominous- Menacing, threatening
(The possible war with Syria can be ominous to society of both worlds)
Pinnacle-Architecture(highest point)
(Lui V may have his most pinnacle master piece posted to the left side of the Quest building)
Premeditated- Preplanned
(Josh premeditated his position before even adjusting his scope on his M-14)
Rampant- Occurring with out restraint
(My neighbors has a rampant growth of weeds in his yard)
Solace-Comfort in sorrow, distress
(Aunt Sharell gave solace to Shianne in the time of her mother's death)
Stately- Impressive, dignified in size
(Number 32 on varsity is stately built compared to our player's)
Supple- Flexible
(If humans had supple momentum, this world would look like a big cup of noodles)
Suppress-To keep something from happening
(All opposition was ruthlessly suppressed by political police)
Venal-Corrupt or willing to take tribe
(Ana's venal experiment opposed her hypothesis)
Adroit-Someone skillful
(Jacky is an adroit leader towards her peers)
 Amicable-Someone/something that's friendly and shows peace
(Between the republic and democratic government's, unexpectedly they were amicable in today's meeting)
Averse-Feeling of distaste
(A leader of dictatorship is averse to the will of his people's opinions)
Belligerent- Aggressive
(Eli is a belligerent student in class, therefore it is best he is homeschooled)
Benevolent- Enjoying helping others/good will
(My grand mother is benevolent towards the people she cares for)
Cursory-Something done quick with only one small attention to detail
(Group A is treated with anti-biotics while Group B will receive a cursory treatment)
(The president was accused of duplicity in his dealing with the congress)
Extol-To praise highly
(Some churches extol their music to god with such heart)
Feasible-Something is possible, doable or likely
(Some quizzes are feasible when given the option to look back at notes)
Grimace-Face indicating displeasure
(After taking a bite of lemon, my face grimaces and I automatically spit it out)
Holocaust- Complete or near total destruction of life
(A nuclear holocaust looms larger each minute if someone doesn't do anything to stop it)
Impervious-Unable to be affected by
(Shayna is impervious to her subscription prescribed by her doctor)
Impetus-Force to make something happen
(Rosa park's case promoted impetus for the civil right's movement)
Jeopardy-Danger of loss, harm, failure
(Ana is in jeopardy of execution from the king)
Meticulous- Showing great attention to detail
(Joseph is so meticulous about his appearance)
Nostalgia-Wistful affection for the past
(People who are deep in depression may have nostalgia towards something or someone who model from the past)
Quintessence- Most concentrated
(He's the quintessence of arrogant ruthlessness, yet he's awkwardly innocent)
Retrogress-To go backwards
(A two year old should play with knowledgeable toys that help progress the mind)
Scrutinize-To look at something very carefully
(Detective Truman scrutinized the scene of his investigation for more clues)
Tepid-Showing little enthusiasm
(Shannon's nervous speech unfortunately led a tepid audience to her performance)

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