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Friday, September 27, 2013

To Act Or Not To Act

Some differences I notice between Hamlet and Steve's, "Value of life," speech is their situations. Job explained his concept through self experience connected to three huge experiences in his life that connect to where he is at today. Hamlet goes more into a tough decision he has about killing his uncle or not. The thought and feeling is expressed in his piece, on value of life after the decision he would make of taking action or not. There are many small differences here in their perspective due to the situation they tie their value of life to.

Dear Steve

What I just read was inspiring. It is crazy how life works. I don't understand that without education and knowledge of school, somehow his potential drove through a brick wall. I mean although he should have finished college somehow with general education but his passion had the potency to create something so huge and effective in the world. His three stories are all inspiring, it sets a great example about keep moving forward and not giving up, living life as if it were the last day. Of course dropping out is not always the best choice and it doesn't always work for everybody. The last story is what caught my attention. I have a connection to it from my personal experience but not every person is given the opportunity to keep living on what they do. Some people really have a small amount of time in their life and cannot accomplish what they wish they could. I believe Steve's message is clear to the concept of valuing life.
To be honest i was a little confused in the beginning on his organized thoughts. He seems to jump around allot from past to present and it through me off a little but i tried to look at the words for past/present terms and just rereading some context to make sure i understood the image given out of his three stories.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Value of Choice

Thinking critically is an idea that pops in my head, I would like to learn on organizing my thoughts and putting them into perspective. My whole idea in this curriculum is that i will be benefited in some way according to our open source learning method. I hope to see myself improve in my thinking process when it comes to any subject in life. Just like the article, "The value of life," explains little things such as vocabulary, analyzing, rereading , prediction, est, growing the influential skills that will have a purposeful use in my life, i look forward to. By the end of this study i will hope to see an improvement in my process of thinking and understanding in critical subjects of my life. Although I already like the method of open source learning and i find it interesting but it would be nice to see more progress when doing such things as a class like Socratic seminars. I believe we can learn much in experience from our peers. How deep our thinking can improvise a better and formal way of educating ourselves between one another.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I feel that creating this dashboard can be a organizing tool for some and maybe just a distraction or waist of time. In my opinion this tool is somewhat useful because I do not have easy internet access all the time to see this tool so it won't cross my mind often to check it. I believe that this can have a good impact on me, I feel like if I did have easy access to the internet, I can use this to be organized and it would save me time for research or whatever I need. The fact that we can put little tabs of different websites all on page linked to other's, seems pretty convenient for people who don't have patience or time to wait for pages to upload. I like this tool but if only it were as useful as I needed it to be.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Vocabulary #6

Accede- Agree to demand, request, or treaty
(To satisfy John's wife, he accedes to wear a tuxedo for dinner)
Brandish- Menacing wave of something
(My accomplice ran and at the same time brandishing his tech nine in the air)
Compromise-To come to an agreement from to sides
(The legislative branch has to compromise with the executive branch due to the methods of amendments)
Deft- skillful or quick
(My co-worker is so deft she should become manager of this industry)
Destitute-Not having basic necessities in life
(When she was left destitute by death of her husband, she decided to get up and leave the country)
Explicit-Clearly expressed
(Jane became explicit in detail about her personal life at home)
Extirpate-completely remove, destroy or pull out of root
(The kids from next door extirpated the flowers from the front of our yard)
Inopportune- Situation occurring at an inconvenient time
(Jane and John put grand mother in an inopportune spot when they tend to argue)
Ironic-Opposite of what is meant or expected to happen
(It would be ironic for me to think dogs can talk)
Musty-Moldy, stale smell
(Under the house, holds a musty odor from the wet rain that fell through yesterday)
Officious-Offering unwanted advice/service
(Shane gives an officious manner when lectured by his mother about his troubles)
Ominous- Menacing, threatening
(The possible war with Syria can be ominous to society of both worlds)
Pinnacle-Architecture(highest point)
(Lui V may have his most pinnacle master piece posted to the left side of the Quest building)
Premeditated- Preplanned
(Josh premeditated his position before even adjusting his scope on his M-14)
Rampant- Occurring with out restraint
(My neighbors has a rampant growth of weeds in his yard)
Solace-Comfort in sorrow, distress
(Aunt Sharell gave solace to Shianne in the time of her mother's death)
Stately- Impressive, dignified in size
(Number 32 on varsity is stately built compared to our player's)
Supple- Flexible
(If humans had supple momentum, this world would look like a big cup of noodles)
Suppress-To keep something from happening
(All opposition was ruthlessly suppressed by political police)
Venal-Corrupt or willing to take tribe
(Ana's venal experiment opposed her hypothesis)
Adroit-Someone skillful
(Jacky is an adroit leader towards her peers)
 Amicable-Someone/something that's friendly and shows peace
(Between the republic and democratic government's, unexpectedly they were amicable in today's meeting)
Averse-Feeling of distaste
(A leader of dictatorship is averse to the will of his people's opinions)
Belligerent- Aggressive
(Eli is a belligerent student in class, therefore it is best he is homeschooled)
Benevolent- Enjoying helping others/good will
(My grand mother is benevolent towards the people she cares for)
Cursory-Something done quick with only one small attention to detail
(Group A is treated with anti-biotics while Group B will receive a cursory treatment)
(The president was accused of duplicity in his dealing with the congress)
Extol-To praise highly
(Some churches extol their music to god with such heart)
Feasible-Something is possible, doable or likely
(Some quizzes are feasible when given the option to look back at notes)
Grimace-Face indicating displeasure
(After taking a bite of lemon, my face grimaces and I automatically spit it out)
Holocaust- Complete or near total destruction of life
(A nuclear holocaust looms larger each minute if someone doesn't do anything to stop it)
Impervious-Unable to be affected by
(Shayna is impervious to her subscription prescribed by her doctor)
Impetus-Force to make something happen
(Rosa park's case promoted impetus for the civil right's movement)
Jeopardy-Danger of loss, harm, failure
(Ana is in jeopardy of execution from the king)
Meticulous- Showing great attention to detail
(Joseph is so meticulous about his appearance)
Nostalgia-Wistful affection for the past
(People who are deep in depression may have nostalgia towards something or someone who model from the past)
Quintessence- Most concentrated
(He's the quintessence of arrogant ruthlessness, yet he's awkwardly innocent)
Retrogress-To go backwards
(A two year old should play with knowledgeable toys that help progress the mind)
Scrutinize-To look at something very carefully
(Detective Truman scrutinized the scene of his investigation for more clues)
Tepid-Showing little enthusiasm
(Shannon's nervous speech unfortunately led a tepid audience to her performance)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


The freedom to my choice can help my independency and help me learn about myself and capabilities. The bad thing is we all make mistakes, sometimes mistakes lead to severe consequences in life, they cannot be taken back. At times freedom and the power can be overruled by ourselves as individuals. We become opaque with such cockiness and control, it is taken advantage of and abused.
There is probably a more amount of pros than cons due to the subject of freedom of choice. I honestly enjoy my freedom of choices. Many opportunities appear when I decide a chosen path for myself. New door's open but some doors just stay open and not closed while trying to open another one. It is the same with choice. Because of  my freedom of choice, it attracts revolution and that caused by letting my choice be spoken loud. Many people can oppose my decision but it is best for me and maybe it isn't.

No Child Left Untableted

Unfamiliar Vocab:
  Luddite-One who fears technology
  Strenuously-Requiring great effort, energy
  Commodified - To turn into
  Preliminary-Proceeds, prepare for

  After reading this article, I believe that the world is learning technology and its educational tool. I agree that some teacher's need to understand and come to compromise with new technology. It is not like if the being on a smart phone or tablet for the whole 7 hours of school. It depends on the teacher and how they use the advanced technology with the program. It might just help teach some students because of the style needed to be learned. It a teaching tool but teacher's need to give it a chance. Open source learning has lead me to believe in this style of education. I like it and it's something that in my opinion, make my education more endurable to process, it can be fun and it depends on how the teacher uses the advancement tool given to him/her.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The class of Open Source Learning has helped answer my BIG question. This class has been an eye opener, I had no idea of a blog or how much value it can have if used professionally. Some people are tepid about the idea and just see it as another class to pass towards graduation. Time and thought put into my work sometimes makes me scrutinize to the concept of the assignment. Which engages me to understand more of the learning concept to this class.
My big question was if I were going to be successful in life. Now I don't know if I am, but I sure as heck will sacrifice going through a holocaust if necessary. My knowledge and power to endure education like this class, is a step to unfold the answer to my question. The best part is to have a benevolent teacher by your side which makes the class feasible to learn.
I will impetus my mental focus and keep acknowledging this class to be meritorious in my life.I become petulant when only a few student's want to learn and the rest lack motivation, it retrogresses the process to our learning environment. But I'm not perfect myself, I just like being pushed to my limits sometimes. :)

Vocabulary #5

Adroit-Someone skillful at doing something
(Jackelyn is an adroit basketball player)
Amicable-Someone/something that's friendly and shows peace
(Between two senates, it was an amicable meeting without argument)
Averse-Feeling of distaste or strong opposition
(Democrats and republican's both have averse beliefs on their government)
Belligerent-  War like or aggressive
(Some children become belligerent towards themselves caused by bullying)
Benevolent-Enjoying helping other's
(Ellen DeGeneres owns up to her show when her attitude is benevolent to those in need)
Cursory-Something done quick with only one small attention to detail
(Group one is rather given cursory treatment unlike group B of the experiment)
Duplicity- Deceitfulness
(The president was accused of deceitfulness in his dealing with congress)
Extol- To praise highly
(Some churches extol their music to god with all their might)
Feasible-Something is possible, doable and likely
(Some quizzes are feasible when given the option to revise notes)
Grimace- Face indicating displeasure
(Jenni has a grimace look when she finds out she has to spar with someone 20lb over her weight )
Holocaust- Complete or near total destruction of life
(Some student's attitude about a late due assignment, is acting like if the holocaust was near)
Impervious-Unable to be affected by
(John worked impervious to the heat)
Impetus-Force to make something happen faster
(Rosa park's case promoted impetus results to admit the civil rights movement)
Jeopardy-Danger of loss, harm, failure
(Ana is in jeopardy of execution and no self defense system to protect her innocence)
Meticulous- Showing great attention to detail; very careful
(Joseph is so meticulous about his appearance he just might turn out like Alan harper form two and a half men)
Nostalgia- Wistful affection for the past
(Lets have a nostalgia fest the whole family can enjoy)
Quintessence-Most concentrated essence of something
(You will never reach heart of the matter, you will fail to grasp the quintessence of boxing)
Retrogress-To go backwards
(Since it's been two years I have not boxed it seems as of my skills have retrogressed)
Scrutinize-To look at something very carefully
(Detective Truman scrutinized his formal investigation one again)
Tepid-Showing little enthusiasm
(Shannon's opera performance left a tepid audience)

Monday, September 9, 2013

Vocabulary #4

Accede-Agree to demand, request or treaty
(To satisfy John's wife, he accedes to wear a tuxedo to dinner tonight)
Brandish- Menacing wave of something
(My accomplice ran and brandished his tech nine in the air)
Compromise-2 sides come together to one conclusion
(The legislative branch has to compromise with it's own powers when disagreed upon the people)
Deft-Skillful or quick
(my co-worker is deft to her knowledge with this company I believe she should become manager)
Destitute- Not having basic necessities in life
(When she was left destitute by death of her husband, she decided to get up and travel the world)
Explicit-Clearly expressed
(Jane gave an explicit description of her personal life)
Extirpate-Completely remove, destroy or pull out
(White Bengal tiger's are on the verge of being extirpated)
Inopportune-Situation occurring at an inconvenient time
(Samantha and I are talking and enjoying our conversation until Joe shows up at an inopportune time)
Ironic-opposite of what is meant or expected to happen
(It's ironic to thing dogs can talk)
Musty-Moldy, stale smell
(Under the house, holds a musty odor)
Officious- offering unwanted advice
(Shane gives an officious manner towards his mother)
Ominous- Menacing, threatening
(The possible war with Syria will be ominous to society)
Pinnacle- Highest point (Architecture)
(Mount Everest may have a pinnacle as high as the dark skies wonder for infinity)
Premeditated- Preplanned
( Attack on the president is premeditated between I and my accomplice)
Rampant- Occurring without restraint
(My neighbor has rampant growth of weeds in his yard)
Solace- Comfort in sorrow
Aunt Sherrill gave solace to Denise in the time of her mother's death)
Stately- Impressive, dignified in size
(Number 32 on the soccer team  is not stately in movement)
Supple- Something/someone that bends or moves
(The movement of the balls will keep the glove supple)
Suppress- To keep something from happening
(All opposition was ruthlessly suppressed by political police)
Venal-Corrupt or willing to take tribes
(Ana's venal experiment annihilated to dust)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Literature Analysis #1

Topic and /or Event

The book I am reading is called, "A SNIPER'S JOURNEY,"-Gary Mitchell with Michael Hirsh. This book talks about one man's journey in the military. The beginning  when he announces to his parents about his decision and to the end of his journey and how he survived. The experiences he goes through and how they have shaped him when he gets out the military. The point is that for this man, the military left him with mental effects that were not so positive after fighting in the Vietnam war.
I believe the author wrote this book to let out his experience from the Vietnam war and how it gradually impacted his own life afterwards.
I honestly have my own plans to go into the military soon after high school, therefore I had interest in this book titled, "A Sniper's Journey." It must have some relative concept about being in the military. Once I started to read the book I remember the beginning and how it expressed feelings about the narrative's situation. It reminded me of how I would feel when I made my decision about joining the military. The book did not seem fake at all and seemed as real as can be, as if the narrator was really talking to me about his experience.
I have not yet made full connection but the concept of my joining and not knowing how to feel or what to expect when I join. I feel strong about the person who wrote this book and that I wish I could speak face to face and have a full on conversation about hi journey and he if he could just answer my questions right there and then.


Gary is the main character in the book and any other characters described are not put in a non-fictional manner where they would not be the same as if I were personally to meet them in person. His Sargent is described many times because he is the one to send him on missions. But Gary chose to write this book to let out to the world about his experience in the Vietnam war. How it had impacted him physically, mentally and emotionally. Also, the things people leave out about the war and how the system works on his end.
One main character was his Fist Sargent, this man he describes to be older and meaner. Always serious and tough with wrinkles on his face. I would probably used direct characterization because again it is hard to keep a real character to look like a fake on e in the book.
I believe this character is interesting, just how tough he is and that is how any sergeant is, it is just still interesting to know how they are emotionally and physically.


Gary Mitchell used a journal type of writing. For example, "My mind was reeling with all sorts of thoughts-most of them ugly." Here he expresses his thought and feeling ugly about it. It is spilling his experiences, thoughts, feelings in a journal. He writes in his perspective but does not include specific dates. He throws in the month or the times of the month. His narrative perspective gives off his book to have a journalistic style.
The author uses a little bit of everything in his book from lengthy description to his dialogue. This affects how I read the book because the descriptions give better image to head and dialogue to help support what he talk's about or his sense of setting between the dialogue.
Gary shows allot of his personal thought into the setting of the book. He does use dialogue and a little description for some subjects he explains. All this helps me visualize and try to feel what he did when imagining to be in his situation.
I believe the author's attitude towards his audience is to have them feel what he felt and to see the main plot of his story. To inform and educate other's based by his own experience.
The resources used in Gary's book was his personal experience from war. There cannot be newspaper or internet at his campsites. All he had was his experience, his life worth serving there, and his word.


I will always remember his whole experience. It is the first book I read about a soldier's perspective on the Vietnam war. I have a connection because I also would like to join the army. The part of  feeling death crawling up the spine and the shadow's that haunt ones sleep, is what twists my head around. Is there a feeling like that? I personally have lived a good life and have not encountered that. I look forward to expecting the feeling though. The support and having each other's back as a team is how one will only survive. I mean there was allot of things I picked up from reading this book. Once I read it again I may have more things to add as to what will stick in my brain forever. Gary Mitchell is a Hero in the Vietnam war. That I will remember always.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I am still in the process of looking for a scholarship to apply for. In all honesty with the scholarship money, I will put some into savings for school and some to support my living. Making sure I help my family put food on the table and maybe saving for a car so i won't have to take the bus to Hancock, or even walk to. I do not expect a certain amount because any little amount has a big impact and I am thankful for what ever i am given. Even if it was $50 for something little, it starts somewhere and that would be so huge for me. I hope to get my own place after high school while going to a 2 year community college. The cost from living in California differ in various ways from the state of Colorado. But i will work hard and hope to start my life and keep expanding my knowledge and succeed to my best ability.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Vocabulary: Fall #3

Accomplice-Person who helps another commit a crime
(My accomplice and I are on an undercover mission for a latent CIA case)
Annihilate- Destroy utterly; wipe out
(The tornado coming is warned to annihilate everything in it's path)
Arbitrary- Based on random choice; unpredictable
(To choose a blue ball out of 6 different colors in a bag, is arbitrary)
Brazen- Bold with out shame
(Shelly has a brazen demand for special treatment because she is rich)
Catalyst- An agent that provokes
(the bombing attack was the catalyst for war)
Exodus- A mass departure; outflow
(The mass exodus of floodwater from the beach continue to flow through the cities)
Foliate- Leaf like motifs; decorated with leaves
(Foliate decorations at certain angels for the fall party)
Incorrigible- not being able to be corrected, improved, or reformed
(John has an incorrigible habit for not taking one for the team)
Latent- Existing but not yet developed; hidden
('Genie's' case study had to be latent at times due to the code of ethics)
Militant- Combative and aggressive support of political or social issue
(Marines are the most militant to social issue)
Morose- Ill tempered
(When people talk about Maywhether being the best boxer, I have a morose look on my face)
Opaque- Not being able to see through
(When going through the car wash, window's are opaque with soap)
Paramount- Important than anything else
(Obesity should open people's eyes and have a paramount of concern to society)
Prattle- Foolish talk
(After playing tongue twister, I prattle to even speak in a regular manner)
Rebut- Claim or prove that accusation/evidence is false
(Tyler, as a lawyer has the power to rebut every case that lies in his hands)
Reprimand- A rebuke; scolding
(Bullies face reprimand form society and court punishment)
Servitude- Lack of personal freedom
(Court orders servitude for serious offence)
Slapdash- Done too carelessly
(When movie director's make series, they become slapdash in sequence)
Stagnant- No sign of activity
(Stan's international sales remain stagnant compared to last year's 10% decrease)
Succumb- Fail to resist
(Succumb to peer pressure to drink stupidly)