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Tuesday, January 28, 2014


There can be a difference in life during high school and life after high school. I take it from a psychological perspective, on individual's personal integrity within themselves. I have witnessed young students change their life around after high school because their ambition or pressure to do so. Some don't change their life, knowledge and bad habits. Life during school, I feel lost and sometimes just I'm doing what I'm told. I have a goal on changing my ways and being more persistent in knowing things than just being the quiet one and do what I do. I do plan to be more active and intuitive with my school subjects. It's hard to balance out the things I want to do and have to do because time is irrelevant. It's ticking and ticking non-stop and I have to make sure the things I need to do are checked off before my freedom to do what I want. As I move on in life I have a high expectancy of myself in achieving and always growing knowledge but most using it to my best advantage. Some people just 'talk the talk' but I am going to 'walk the walk.' I try not to expect much from the world because nothing is perfect or guaranteed but I do hope the world works with me in return. 

Vocabulary: spring list #4

Accolade- Award; Praise
(Developmental Psychologist believes to stimulate and accolade in response)
Acerbity- Sourness,  embittered speech
(I believe in acerbic comments to those who deserve them)
Attrition- Wearing down or wasting away
(Webster's dictionary eventually will attrition the more technology is advanced)
Bromide- A common place idea or notion
(Between the bromide solution's, the experiment will finally reveal the correct formula to make silver)
Chauvinist- Overly loyal to your country, race, sex, etc.
(Militant soldier's are the most chauvinist people on earth)
Chronic- continuing for long periods of time
(The thylakoid glands are one of the most chronic pain's when they are infected and not removed soon enough)
Expound- To give a detailed statement of something
(When AJ get's caught doing bad, he tends to expound his reasoning explaining he is not in fault, and that's when you know he's lying)
Factionalism-Conflict within a party
(Religious factionalism has added to cold war tensions)
Immaculate- free from sin or fault
(They say those who are baptized by a church are usually immaculate)
Imprecation- Act on calling for evil or curse on someone
(To seek revenge John has to imprecate in result for his vengeance)
Ineluctable- Not capable of being avoided or overcome
(There is no ineluctable conclusion to this event of evil being spared on one another)
Mercurial- Changeable or fickle
(In fiction characterization, we can mercurial the main characters into something bigger than just that)
Palliate- Make something less painful or unpleasant
(In order for us to help the hurt customer we need to set her on her back and lay a pillow under her head in order to palliate the pain)
Protocol- Rules and customs of a group or standard procedure
(It is easier to follow protocol than to complicate any new additions to our store policy)
resplendent- Full of splendor or dazzling
(That watch is just absolute resplendent)
Stigmatize- To make something seem bad or disgraceful
(Rosa stigmatized her accident to get attention from the press)
Sub rosa- Secretly; Privately; confidentially
(Angie and Mia seem very Sub rosa lately)
Vainglory- Extreme self pride and boastfulness
(People with much success have the right to show vainglory)
Vestige- A small amount of something
(A vestige amount of students enrolled this year)
Volition- Using your will to make a conscious decision
(Human volition is very powerful but some people don't even realize the power they withhold)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Literature Analysis #1

                                                                  Non-Fiction Analysis
#1) My book's title is called, "Mao," by the author Jung Chang (Wild Swans) and Jon Halliday. This book goes into detail of a communist leader of china by the name of Mao. The untold story of his life starting at his teenage years and the road started that became of his political view which by the way, he had hardly any interest in because his main thought was to always have power no matter what the cost would be.  Up to the point that he gets power over China, his theory and mission was to recreate china to fall under him.
#2) The reason to publish this book was to reveal hidden information on one of the biggest events in history. 
#3) The book was brought to my attention by a teacher who saw me reading the other book written by the same author, so I didn't have any intention of this book. The cover stood out and claimed to be bold. Therefore I began to read the beginning and what interested me was the psychological perspective that one could read as Mao's feeling were described. To see how the story unfolds and just the secrets held within had me hooked. The book is told in third person and this intrigues me to see other's perspective. 
#4) This book is realistic as it gives visuals of things never heard before, they are hard to believe but these things exposed capture the thought of the unexpected. It is intriguing. I could not relate to the main character's but to the witnesses because the incentive's that Mao had were extreme! I could not imagine being the same.

#1) The author does put her/his own views on what other's see or say. This choice tell's me that the author uses this tone and evidence to perceive the reader in a different way of understanding the literature. The author does not put themselves out there in the book-Indirect as only they stay as third person's perspective. 
#2) The main character is Mao who is described to be self righteous, dominant, close minded, likes to be extolled, and the physical appearance is not described much rather than being usual. Has potential becomes an educator but through the good behavior is mostly put out as scandalous, manipulative, exploits  courage and then some. To put him as a fictional character I would use Indirect because if there was more evident support on his character one on one other than other's perspective, he would be a direct character.
Another character was Mao's second wife named Ying Kai-hui who was eight years younger than him.
She was described to be sensitive, smart, and vulnerable. She feel in love with Mao after her father died which who was a former teacher in which approved of Mao. She accepted Mao and his affairs, always stood by his side. Her fictional character would be direct. The reason being she would be interesting because she was the closest person to Mao beside his friends. She would have the insight of their personal lives which is more of a hook.
#3) These two character's are interesting to write about because they are the main people in the book, it is interesting to know the root of the unknown story of Mao. 

#1) Indirect characterization: "Mao did not believe in anything unless he could benefit from it personally. A good name after death, he said, "cannot bring me any joy, because it belongs to the future and not my own reality." 
Indirect: -"though he seems to have been someone who made an impression. His teacher Yang Chang-chi wrote of him in his diary."
Direct: "My student Mao-Tse tung said that...his...father was a peasent and is now turning into a merchant...And yet, he is so fine and outstanding."
Direct: "These two should be one and the same. All our actions...are driven by impulse, and the conscience that is wise goes along with this in every instance. Sometimes... conscience restrains impulses such as over eating or over-indulging in sex. But conscience is only there to restrain, not oppose. And the restraint is for better completion of the impulse." 
#2) The syntax and diction does change when describing a character because the opinion or feeling towards the character is more concentrated than usual.
#3) The protagonist is dynamic and flat. The main characters never change.
#4) After reading the literature i felt as if i were reading a character because this story is third person, it's not one on one. The style and usage of evidence indicates the author was reading the character by the research done. There were other characters perspective that were used to read Mao as well. Tying everybody's perspective together to understand the main character which is Mao.

#1) The author used tools as foreshadowing when using character's perspectives into place to tell the main character. Not much symbolism but as the research was put together it seemed to use the style of a fictional story.
#2) The author uses a mix of styles because the only times lengthy descriptions come into place is when describing a character in the backround, their not main characters through the whole story but only for that moment. Dialogue comes in when there are two characters interacting but not including the author. These overall choices in the book give me a different taste in many visual aspects.
#3) The author is very direct on giving all sorts of resources and putting them into play of the story but somewhat boring. Only style used to help the reader understand is the times the author uses explicit reasoning and visuals into the reader's mind.
#4) The author's mood toward the subject was concern and urgent. The information needed to be let out so it was to be known! The author's mood isn't quite revenge.
#5) The author uses all sorts of resources in the book such as historical documents, witnesses, interview's, personal diaries, articles, etc. This matter's much because it is supportive evidence to what the author is indicating about the subject. It helps set a clear visual and put a puzzle piece together as all the evidence falls into place. It is always best to use this kind of resource when telling a bibliography.

                                                             Enduring Memory
The unknown story will always remind to remember even the good has it's balance of flaws. Mao was once thought to be good because of his support for woman independence- "Woman do as much physical labor as men." His answer was, "women should prepare enough...before they marry so as to support themselves." His downfall was his relationship with his wife, the unfairness of loyalty and respect. The importance is that He made it to be a communist leader for the wrong reason's. He did not have leadership skills but found his scandalous ways to shadow him in creating follower's who were manipulated into his fake ideology. His main mission was to be in power, he loved destruction and did so not with his own bloody hands but of his followers. There cannot be another mistake in the system anywhere in the world like the one of Mao. His quote on written couplets at a rally, "Watch us kill the bad landlords today. Aren't you afraid? It's knife slicing upon knife."

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Vocabulary: Spring List #3

Apostate- One who forsakes his faith and principles

Effusive- An unrestrained outpouring feeling

Impasse- A difficult situation with no way out

Euphoria- A very strong feeling of well being

Lugubrious- Mournful; especially exaggerated or affectedly so

Bravado- A false showing of bravery

Consensus- Collective opinion; general agreement

Dichotomy- "The branching of something in which each successive axis forks into 2 equally developed branches"

Constrict- To squeeze, compress, or contract

Gothic- Slang-a person who wears all-black clothing with lots of silver chains. Generally goths are classed as "out casts" from "normal" society. A Pentagram may be worn round the neck on a silver chain; Dictionary- Of or relating to the middle ages

Punctilio- Precise observance of formalities

Metamorphosis- The transformation and change in the structure and habits of animals during growth

Raconteur- One who tell anecdotes and stories with skill

Sine qua non- Essential element or condition

Quixotic- Caught up at the pursuit of unreachable goals'; impulsive

Vendetta- A bitter, destructive feud

Non sequitur- An inference or conclusion that does not follow evidence

Mystique- Body of beliefs connected to a group, person, idea, or thing

Quagmire- Difficult or precarious situation

Parlous- Obsolete dangerously cunning

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I, Senior Project/First Draft

In class we had to brainstorm about this senior project. We had learned that while we sit there and think, it is hard to answer the questions asked! The reason being is because 1) "What do I want to think about? 2) What I have learned on research per say, how can it help me answer my big question, blog, etc. 3) What will I need to do to honor my own interest in such a way that come June, I have no regrets about what I could have or should have done?" We hardly ever get asked as individuals, what freedom we can have on expressing our own interest and selves-tied into collaborative working. So this is new to many because we are all used to being told what to do and doing so. With that in mind, some things discussed between my peer and I were-Think before action takes place; Be firm and freely express; Show passion and creativeness; Don't forget to tie your peace with Expository Composition. :)

Friday, January 17, 2014

Life After

Life after high school will be a good experience! I will always stay positive and never give up in life so I know my ambition, energy, aspiration is there to keep me going. That will be a boost to help me get places and the first thing I will be doing is going back to my home state and work full time as well as go to school full time at a 2 year community college for my Associates, then a 4 year(Study to get a masters degree in Criminology, Law and Society) at Irvine University. A goal is getting myself up on my feet and affording my own assets for example, car, apartment, credit, etc. Getting to these goals is the journey because graduating high school will be the start of it but never will my name ever be only that. Learning is a life time experience and with that knowledge comes a purpose which is to pass it down and open younger minds to the world. As to say my whole life won't stop at anything and no matter what is going on I am to be doing something, if my plan does not work out career wise, I fall back on faith and start the new road.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Visual Storytelling

Unimpeachable probity would be the first factor in a story whether it is non fiction or fiction (better to be non-fiction). The reason I believe so is to catch the reader or audience at an emotional-heart to heart-connection which catches the audience at "loves first sight." Being noxious or licentious can help brake or make a story, this in which is the apogee tot the climax.
 Decisions on what idea's are put out there is much to detail. For example, Leit Motif-associated with a moment in the video-reflection.  The simplest thing such as the change in mood by the music will separate and create a different setting and imagination.
As indirect characterization has a special visual, it is common to have in the picture motions of a story.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Profile In Courage

In response to the video watched in class today, the words cognitive dissonance clicked while I was watching it. Some observation's I had pointed to was the shift in setting of the music at particular scenes.
In the beginning of the movie I was automatically hooked because of the scene it started with which was a man in a wheelchair getting dressed. At this point my mind is automatic and images go though the back of my head about what I know from what I saw. I had a typical stereotype and my feelings toward the movie was pity. As I got into the movie other students had the same in mind as I did, the funny part is that within those minutes of my life, my notes were saying completely different from what I thought the moral of the video would be.
Another note was at one point the music seemed to send the message of realization for the USA player's and was a good and bad outcome for them.
  Wheelchair rug bee is a tough and dangerous game and it is considered an Olympic game, something new to my knowledge.
The history of each player was explained including Joe the coach for Canada who used to be USA. The stories were sad but despite their past or the choices made resulting their present physical state, the mood of the game was sweat, blood, and tear's!
Doing what other people thought you couldn't do and overcoming adversity is a huge message from the video.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Vocabulary: Spring List 2

Accoutrements- To outfit and quip, esp. for a particular purpose
(Many action figures come with tiny accoutrements that are certainly to fall off.)
Apogee- The farthest or highest point
(The last and most apogee root of our ancestors was found in Washington where are great-great grandmother lives.)
Apropos- Appropriate; pertinently
(Adding a hook to the end of an article is apropos if the author intends to have a great finish later.)
 Bicker- To engage in petty quarreling; squirreling
(Letting someone bicker can help them express their emotions deep down.)
Coalesce- To grow or come together as a whole
(To sustain a perfect graded project a group has to coalesce because two is better than one.)
Contretemps- An inopportune or embarrassing moment
(The moment someone exploits gas in a room is one of many contretemps)
Convolution- A torturous winding, testing together; An intricacy
(This class implements a convolution from the source to the destination)
Cull- To pick out from others; collect, gather
(Cull of livestock in the light of brucellosis cases in Scotland)
Disparate- Completely cliff; dissimilar
(Disparate strands of hair are between the colors blue and orange.)
Dogmatic- Marked by an authoritarian; arrogant assertion of principles
(You become dogmatic because you believe truth can be nailed down in words.)
Licentious- Morally unrestrained; immoral
(The witness implies licentious behavior, or by embracing false doctrine)
Mete- A lot; to deal out
(Johna has meted out his medication.)
Noxious- Injurious to health or morals
(Well, whatever his literary merits, he struck me as a fairly noxious human.)
Polemic- A controversy argument
(The lawyer had a point in his polemics but according to the people, it wasn't good enough)
Populous- Thickly settled or populated
(California is a well populous state of residency in the nation)
Probity- Integrity; honesty
(The government always states to probity but some people have spoken their opinion.)
Repartee- A swift, witty reply
(The smart repartee had left an effect and had every employee just about quit)
Supervene- Occur at something unexpected
(Scientist and psychologist supervene the event of a babies brain development after birth)
Truncate- To shorten by
(To fit 35 individuals who want to see one counselor, we'll need to truncate them by groups)
Unimpeachable- Beyond doubt or question
(What unimpeachable authority do campus securitie's quite have?)

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Choice

What a slap in the face! The rage crawling out of my skin, the agony stained on my heart is un-bearable. My eyes have never witnessed such a monster!

 His actions speak louder than words as I sat there and watched him explain with every breath and moment, standing with shock as if 10mA were going through me.

 I was in a position of the unknown, the lie, betrayal, mistrust, of a man was crawling back for forgiveness. In such a confrontation, I was lost in what to do. I had two choices and the good conscience was telling me to forgive the enemy but the bad conscience told me to send him to hell! I knew what the right choice was but at the same time my emotions ruled my mind. A shadow casted with rage, hatred, and confusion!  My rage is over powered and my pathway has taken its course. Not forgiven and never forgotten but if I chose the other path maybe there would be peace and comfort in my heart. The decision was tough and easy at the same time. Tough because he used to be someone close and of importance. But so easy to let the negativity lead and let go of the confrontation, I did not quite deal with it the properly. That easy decision was compliant to my emotions.

 In the end, that was the toughest emotional committed decision and choice I'd had encountered. Everyday I live with it in the back of my head, no turning back.


After today's quiz, I did average. My best bet was to study...Allot! But I only studied for 5 minutes everyday and that resulted in my average score! That is poor for what I know I could be getting, so therefore I will study harder!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Vocab: Spring 1

Adumbrate- To vaguely indicate
Apotheosis- Elevation to divide status
Ascetic- Practicing self denial; common in religious
Bauble- Cheap, showy ornament
Beguile- Influence by slyness
Burgeon- Grow and flourish
Complement- Something that completes or makes perfect
Contumacious- Stubborn refusal to obey authority
Curmudgeon- Ill-tempered person; grumpy
Didactic- Intended to teach

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hacking My Education

Hacking means to redesign. The question of today was how to hack our education this semester and that  has a few factors that I learned today. I know I have to take the course more serious, maybe view it as a big life experience than just ' a class.' Two important questions come into place and the first is, 'what do I want to get better at?' The second and last is who do I need in my network? These two work together as long as one has a start to answering the questions. Hacking my education is a big and fun steps. Some notes I took in class today was learning about some network connections and the three were, Dr. Preston, the public, and at least one expert to approve. The main essentials to hacking my education is the three network connections and the two questions I should always ask myself.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Choice

#1/2) After reading the blog post by Eric Meyer, it is heartbreaking to hear a story like that because I can relate.  The choice in the tittle is signified by the choice given to the daughter on taking poison herself or having it forced down her throat. But I cannot disagree or agree that it is an actual choice of her own, Rebecca did not choose that type of treatment, it was given to her as a demand. She had no choice as to whether she wanted to take the poison or not. The alternative is that she had a significant choice as to having the poison forced into her or her self volunteering to take it.
#3) The word poison is given in reference to the medication because it states that the medication has toxins.
#4) Rebecca wants to play with a toy that is intended for older children because, she yells out,"I have to play with it now because it’s for kids who are eight years old AND I’M NEVER GONNA BE EIGHT!!!” She believes she won't live to be eight and wants to have the advantage of playing with a toy for eight and up. I believe this child is wrong for her reason but why not let a child play with a toy intended for kids who are older? With supervision and awareness of the parent's it would be great to see your child happy over a toy. I believe that for children in her situation or not.
#5) If I believed I would not live to age 30! I would definitely spend time with my family and friends but mostly explore and have an adventure as much as I could. If I had the stability to travel and see the world I would, do things I have never done and enjoy every last breath I had!
#6) This is a tough question because under whatever circumstances, I wouldn't want to accept it reasonable to endure pain on a loved one. This is not having a choice because it does happen but the alternative choice is to the circumstances of having to do so by the support of a professional who says it has to be done.
#7) Suffering is part of life and love because without it how would one appreciate what they have.
#8) We either have similar circumstances or use or using psychological methods of imagination to set our selves in that position to understand from other's perspective, using our own life, giving the similar emotion of sadness in relation to the story.