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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Connecting the DOTS

I feel more comfortable with this research project because I had guidance from Dr. Preston. I can now breath and take in a different perspective on my paper. My topic is about stereotypes and I can use Law enforcement and boxing sports to tie it together. At first I was in shock and just bummed, this encouragement and guidance makes me feel less stressed and aggravated on tackling my big assignment. I am more confident and ready for the challenge!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

7 Times

Erica's tone is clearly disappointed and has a statement to be heard. Her facts are there supported by her articles. It is enough evidence to support her statement. But the thing that trips me out is that in each article, it has it's own perspective and tone itself. One says this and the other says that and that raises the question of who the heck is right? All each have the basics but each article does have it's own effect on telling the story. She seems to have a sentimental connection about the topic because the tone of voice seamed to be directed to violence.
    Erica's writing techniques come as indirect because she does not fully come out head to head but simply stating her opinion. Her punctuation is there but a little dull when I think she wants to catch some attention to her phrases and other things. The message I interpreted was that she was emotionally disturbed and that she opposes to how many times the boy was shot and thought of racial profiling.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Vocabulary #9

Ultimate- Being last in a series, process, or progression
(The ultimate response to protect our children is to do it ourselves)
Interactive- Acting or capable of acting on each other
(To try and have an anti-social child try to interact with someone, takes time and patience as a virtue)
Principle- Basic truth, law, or assumption
(The Lawyer on Anabell's case makes it a principle that the only information they can share is with the court itself)
Guidance- The act or process of guiding
(The is the reason for Rehab, which is to offer guidance to those who cannot do it alone)
Collaboration- working practice where individuals work together for a common purpose
(A high school class learning about open source learning is honestly a brilliant example of collaboration)
Formative- A giving or capable of giving form; constructive
(It is a way of respect to honor the dead in a formative manner and proper barrier)
Summative- of, pertaining to, or produced by summation (addition)
(The police have a duty and that to being summative to stopping crime)
Racism- Belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and of racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a certain race
(Collaborating a group of people who maintain the same negative belief about someone's skin color is Racism)
Intelligence- Ability to learn from, understand, and interact with one's environment
(The person who created a source of learning to the standards of most high school kids-use of internet, is just plain intelligence)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

What I See Is All In My Head

Honestly, it is true that our eyes and brain can tell us lies and not even realize it. As I was watching the video's my eyes were deceiving and the subjects on the screen were so simple and the more I scrutinized the screen, the more complex it looked. In my understanding, what I learn to see comes from the real world aside from 'in here.' How to balance out what my eyes and brain tell me is real then from what isn't, is contrary. But what we learn out here is what makes our brain stimulate to configure what is to be real and not to be.